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Kamis, 23 April 2009


Field Marshall (Generalfeldmarschall in german) was the highest rank a German officer on the battlefield could achieve in the Wehrmacht (Defense force in German, which consited of their army, navy, airforce, and Waffen SS). There was several of them, usually in command of an army group. i'll list them to the best of my knowledge:

Erwin Rommel, Friedrich Paulus (the only field marshall in Germany's history to surrender), Erwin von Witzleben, Werner von Bloemberg, Walter Model, Erich von Manstein, Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist, Fedor von Bock, Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb, Gerd von Rundstedt, Wilhelm Keitel, Ernst Busch, Günther von Kluge, Wilhelm List, Walther von Brauchitsch, Walther von Reichenau, Eduard von Böhm-Ermolli, Maximilian von Weichs, Erwin von Witzleben, and finally Ferdinand Schörner.


1 komentar:

Keir mengatakan...

I was in Munich recently where a memorial has a reproduction of a handwritten letter by Generalfeldmarschall Erwin von Witzleben who was arrested the day after the attempted July plot. During his trial he was forced to appear in court without his belt and false teeth. On August 8, 1944 he was executed by being hanged by piano wire from a meat hook.

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