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Selasa, 08 September 2009

Courage & Compassion: The Legacy of the Bielski Brothers (The Defiance)

During World War II, three brothers, Tuvia, Asael and Zus Bielski, led a Jewish partisan group in Western Belarus. This unique unit, or, in Russian, otriad, saved over 1,200 Jews from the ghettos of Novogrudok and Lida and the surrounding countryside. Partisans were underground resistance fighters, often conducting sabotage activities and guerilla warfare. While the great majority of partisan groups in World War II sought to fight the Germans, the Bielski brothers cared more about preserving the lives of as many Jews as possible. For more than two years, the Bielski brothers commanded their partisan unit in the Belarusian forests. Their actions in saving Jews during extreme danger stand as a monument to courage and compassion. The Bielski brothers are upstanders, individuals willing to stand up for those in need or who put their own lives in danger on behalf of others.

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